How to cancel a booking?

  • Head over to the 'MY CLASSES' tab on your account, and select 'Cancel'.
  • Credits will automatically be refunded to your account upon cancellation, provided cancellation was performed more than 12 hours prior to the class.

What's the cancellation fee?

  • We do not charge a cancellation fee. However, if a class cancellation is performed less than 12 hours prior to the class, your credit will be forfeited.

What happens if I do not show up for class? Refund?

  • If you do not show up for a class, your credit is forfeited.

What if there's an emergency?

  • If there was an unexpected circumstance, such as getting ill or getting involved in a car accident. Please submit a request to and include a medical certificate or photo evidence, in order for us to refund your credit. 
  • How to Cancel a class? (this should be under the Cancellation section)
  • Head over to 'MY CLASSES' tab on your account, and select 'Cancel'.
  • Credits will automatically be refunded to your account upon cancellation, provided cancellation was performed more than 12 hours prior to the class.